Friday, April 6, 2012

Palm trees or no Palm trees

This was a lot of fun between friends. We went to Nashville In. to one of my favorite Scrapbooking shop and bought a lot of Stampscape stamps. Was that the fun part, no, it was the fact that I hate Palm trees and refuse to buy or entertain the thoughts of Palm Trees.

You say well why is there a Palm tree in this new stampscape card. Yes, you are quite right. My friend Gloria who loves Florida and Palm trees has refused to accept this rejection of Palm trees so behind my back she bought this Palm tree stamp. What was I to do, be rude and refuse to use it. Oh what the heck, whats a Palm tree or two, If it makes my friend happy.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fun with Mistakes

I have so much fun with some of these backgrounds but this one below I just didn't like. The color just seem to grab the paper and was to bold. But I have always told my students never let a piece of paper defeat you. So I was bound and determine to try and make this work. What I really didn't like about the background was the bright pink.

Ok so I was wrong the pink was hug parts of making this stampscape really have some drama. I tried to tear paper pieces that looked somewhat like Teton Mt. Well I'm not sure I got that part done, but was really happy with how this not so pretty background turned out. Never through away background pieces before you try and work with it. It just may turn into that surprise beauty.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

                        Fun Backgrounds

  I am still investigating Stampscapes card scenes. I truly love this fun technique to creating  scenic landscapes.  After years of teaching landscape painting this is something anyone can learn to achieve. The snowy hills were done by using a piece of stick-em note paper that was torn and used as a stencil. Just plain fun and quick.

The dock scene was done by using children markers that were scribbled on a acrylic block, mist with water and then lay a piece of card stock on the block. This technique is just great. You are never sure what you will end up with. Both of these cards will make nice peaceful scenes for Sympathy or Thinking of you cards. They are also great for the more masculine  look.

I have spent years painting landscapes with oil and watercolors and this fall right in line with this love of for freezing nature on canvas or cards.

I plan to investigate different background effect, from alcohal ink, pastels, and anything else I can get my hands on.

Sometimes it is good to create for yourself a idealistic world were peace and beauty are the overwhelming factor to take a rest in before we jump back into the real world. 

Until next time
The Cloud Watcher

Monday, February 20, 2012

New Direction

If one will allow themselves to accept new direction or thoughts, life can be just down right exciting. I have not posted for awhile but here I am at it again. I have just discovered the love of Stampscap cards. It allows me to use my love of art, watercolors, stamping, and card making. Is that possible, it seems so. So we will just see were this go. Hopefully it will be so long before my next post.