Nothing gives most people at least those who love the creative side of life more satisfaction then closing the door on several projects lying in the unfinished pile and so it was here. I know you have had those stacks of projects with just a touch here and there to make them completed. I chose a day I didn't seem to be especially motivated to start a new project which made it a good time to attach my unfinished pile. Of coarse all of ue who are drawn to the excitement of the newest and greatest creative thought that comes to us have these wonderful piles. If you are like me when the project I'm presently working on comes to a point where I begin to be satisfied I will be able to accomplish the goal I had in mind I'm quickly distracted by the newest creative adventure I see. You say if you were a disciplined worker you would complete each task before beginning anew. I so envy you if that describes your work pattern but I'm sure I'm not alone in this issue.
As I stated n a earlier post, I have began to get my feet wet with this new medium, pastels. You will be excited to know YouTube or Pinterest is overflowing with tutorials on almost any subject you can imagine, its amazing, I have yet to find a subject that is not covered in their search engine. Since finding a pastel teacher is some what difficult for me I am left with the class room of the You Tube and Pinterest. My learning program usually starts with following each teachers instruction just as they instruct us. The next step is to find a photo in my abundance of my personal photos that is usable and again try this teachers new method. This painting of Yellowstone Falls is the end result.
In and effort of multi-tasking I am also having a great time revisiting some of my past travels by paint a scene from many of them. This has been very rewarding since my ability to travel has lessened. I had started this one a week ago and got distracted, and today was just the right time, time to complete little touch up.
I was pleased with how it turned out and learned much in this new medium.
This second painting has been going on for some time, first in my mind and then my effort to become a better drawing student and using charcoals.
The original source of the idea was reading the scripture during my daily bible study time. It is not unusual for me to see scriptures in a very literal and visual way but I often fail to act on it. This time I was just so overwhelmed with the truth of this scripture, It simply shouted at me. I need to put it to paper and who knows what after that.
Much like pastel, charcoal is new to me. I have drawn basic ideas just so they can be painted but to draw something as a stand alone finished piece is a bit new for me and again I viewed a video showing charcoal and different drawing techniques. I was pleased with the drawing but I don't think the wording used on it gets my thoughts through. Maybe if I added some ridiculous date in long past time near the door to emphasize the idea of before creation this event in heaven took place. I used the doorway to heaven to help emphasize the amazing truth that I was not only planned for by the Lord but before he spoke the world into existence in the seven days of creation. So it was extremely satisfying to complete this drawing.
Now for my last finished project. it was much like the first painting of Yellowstone above, in that I was impressed with a fellow's video on painting waterfalls in watercolor and wanted to use my photo of Multnomah Falls in Oregon to try out his technique. It was fun and actually comfortable to be back in a medium I am more comfortable in.
It was very satisfying to complete this one along with the other two projects. For me it is not what I do with my completed projects but the act of daily putting my creative juices to work and expanding my art skills. Not all I paint is my dream painting. But few paintings finished fail to teach me new skills.
Now to remember my overall purpose in painting is to remind myself and all of you who have stop by and take interest in my work that ALL CREATION LIVES TO TESTIFY TO THE WONDER OF GODS LOVE AND POWER.
You have no idea how grateful I am you have visited my blog. Feel free to comment or e-mail any questions or thoughts.
In and effort of multi-tasking I am also having a great time revisiting some of my past travels by paint a scene from many of them. This has been very rewarding since my ability to travel has lessened. I had started this one a week ago and got distracted, and today was just the right time, time to complete little touch up.
I was pleased with how it turned out and learned much in this new medium.
The original source of the idea was reading the scripture during my daily bible study time. It is not unusual for me to see scriptures in a very literal and visual way but I often fail to act on it. This time I was just so overwhelmed with the truth of this scripture, It simply shouted at me. I need to put it to paper and who knows what after that.
Much like pastel, charcoal is new to me. I have drawn basic ideas just so they can be painted but to draw something as a stand alone finished piece is a bit new for me and again I viewed a video showing charcoal and different drawing techniques. I was pleased with the drawing but I don't think the wording used on it gets my thoughts through. Maybe if I added some ridiculous date in long past time near the door to emphasize the idea of before creation this event in heaven took place. I used the doorway to heaven to help emphasize the amazing truth that I was not only planned for by the Lord but before he spoke the world into existence in the seven days of creation. So it was extremely satisfying to complete this drawing.
Now for my last finished project. it was much like the first painting of Yellowstone above, in that I was impressed with a fellow's video on painting waterfalls in watercolor and wanted to use my photo of Multnomah Falls in Oregon to try out his technique. It was fun and actually comfortable to be back in a medium I am more comfortable in.
Now to remember my overall purpose in painting is to remind myself and all of you who have stop by and take interest in my work that ALL CREATION LIVES TO TESTIFY TO THE WONDER OF GODS LOVE AND POWER.
You have no idea how grateful I am you have visited my blog. Feel free to comment or e-mail any questions or thoughts.