Monday, January 21, 2019

Chickens, Beautiful Chickens

Now lets consider the First 6th day. Question-Did God just smile when he envision the thousands of thing humans would do with His newly created chicken hopping before Him and the amazing little brown (why brown, well just because I like brown eggs, he might say) oval object it produced.

Today I am making waffles for my hubby for breakfast, I have never been a great morning person including cooking breakfast but I felt sorry for Billy who had no sweets for breakfast (That's a story for another day but its enough to say he loves his sweets early in the morning) and Oh no, no cookies, no little Debbie's and could you believe it no jelly.

So what has that to do with my ongoing First Third Day series. Everything, as it always seem to happen these last three years, my mind retreats to the ingredients of the day and the first day of their creation. So what in my waffles drew me back again to this wonder. Eggs, chickens and such and such.

My recipes called for separate egg whites from the eggs and to whip the egg whites. As I stood there in my kitchen looking out at this interesting rainy spring day while whipping my egg white I wondered, Lord you spoke and there they were chickens, but more than that as always with anything you have created there is more, much more, just look these chickens, at this amazing little brown oval abject it produced. What brought the smile to my face this day was, did it bring a giggle to Your face Lord as You saw the hundreds and hundreds of ways your beloved humans would use this marvels product form your beautiful chicken. It would seem natural to me that a Father who so deeply loved these humans would just giggle at the little brown oval object with the yellowy liquid  inside and Eve trying to decide what to do with the clear fluid around the yellow center of the egg.

As I completed the waffle mix and was pouring them in the waffle iron again one of those crazy thought entered my buzzard  mine, When you daily walked in the garden with Your beloved new humans Lord what did you all talk about. Was there a chat with Eve about beautiful flowers, or your love for her. Then was Adam interested in this new garden he would be tending.

I realize no one can know what the chit chat with beautiful Eve and hansom Adam might have been. But here is a fact for all believers to think on. These were real people and real first days on this earth.

I wonder if they even new to be in awe of such a loving God. Did you Lord discus beauty, love, joy, and peace or maybe you showed them how to use all You created the last six days just for them. Did you teach them to plant seeds or yes cook with eggs. I'm sure some of you may think this is just silly day dreaming but I'll say it again these were very real first days. Maybe it was like a Dad showing his children their new presents and yes maybe he sat down and shows them how much fun it will be to use it. So did Dad, walk up to his beautiful chicken just as she laid a big oval brown thing and you Lord picked it up to show them how to have some fun with the brown egg. Of course I doubt he show them what happens when you wipe egg white but who can guess.

\I smile at myself as these thoughts crepe in my mind. They are the after effect of the thrilling exercise of visualizing the Seven Days of Creation literal.
Question-Did God just smile when he envision the thousands of thing humans would do with His newly created chicken hopping before Him and the amazing little brown (why brown, well just because He might of like brown) oval object it produced.