Its a Monday and new challenges lie ahead. I want to thank my sister for asking a very simple question. Do you dread Monday mornings. My quick answer was no, but I realized that has not always been the case. When and how did this change. After some thought I think I know the complete answer. It's my curiosity overruling the dread of 5 AM. It has taken years but just today I realize that I believe whole heartily Ps. 118:24, "This is the day which the Lord has made be glad and rejoice in it". I think I have also accepted deep down that God plan this day for me from creation and my curiosity as to just what kind of day that will be . To live today and not want to miss it while wishing for some other day like Friday. So I want to thank my sister again for bringing me to the awareness of this great change God has made in me. It was not always that way. I thought death was accruing every work morning when the alarm went of.

Now on to some fun for the day, again I saw a great Christmas layout in a magazine. It had different colors of paper with the same print on it and done somewhat like a patch work quilt. OK, so if I don't have it can I make something like it. This will send me into some of my unused stamps and a couple of other techniques. I also love the stitched look it had. No, I didn't pull out the sewing machine but had a template that makes a stitching look. To make it even more realistic I used a tool to make wholes for each stitch. I must be in my detail mood or something. It would have been easier to just pull out the sewing machine.
Later I will post some fun pictures I found for this page. It is very early pictures of my daughter and also my grand kids at Christmas. I think to have fun I will also post these pictures on facebook. She will just love that Ha! Ha!
Have a great day and look for the wonder in each moment.
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